Economic Development


Regional Communication Center Construction of a 7,500 sq. ft. facility with state-of-the art technology that will facilitate 9-1-1 communications via phone, texts, images and video. 

The Center will employ up to 25 people. 

CP Incentive: $4.2M in Village bonds  


Marshfield Plaza Annex Construction of a 19,500 sq. ft. retail plaza for varied businesses.

CP Incentive: 50% property tax reduction for ten years

Completed Project

Raceway Park The World War II Park was redeveloped into an approximately 20-acre shopping center. The project was completed in three phases and supported with:

  • $63.9M in Village bond issuances paid during construction
  • Real estate tax reductions up to 50%, for up to ten years
  • More than $1.1M in sales rebates